How to track productivity in a remote team

How to track productivity in a remote team

In a world where teams are working together from all around the world, it is important to keep track of what your team is doing.

Christian Esmann
September 28, 2022
5 min read

How To Track Productivity In A Remote Team

In a world where teams are working together from all around the world, it is important to keep track of what your team is doing. Supervise is a team tracking app that allows you to do just that.

If you’re a manager, your main priority is to maintain an overview of what your team is working on at any point in time. This is exactly what Supervise can do for you.

With Supervise, you can track all the work your team is doing on multiple platforms. Integrate the apps your team uses for work and gain insights on team productivity across the board. Track your productivity in a timeline view, filterable by team member and app integration.

By tracking your team's work via Supervise, you will be able to gain actionable insights about your productivity with Performance Reports.

Manual -> Automated Management

Team management is not an easy task. If you have a team to manage, then you need to track their productivity somehow.

In this day and age, the vast amount of work we do is entirely digital. In practice, this actually means we are uploading our factual work to the cloud everyday. However, tracking all of the work we submit everyday on all the many apps we use in the workplace is not an easy task. 

At Supervise, we've decided to solve this problem. We have built a platform to synchronise all work data in a single dashboard. We have achieved this by enabling integrations with all the major apps that teams and individuals are using for work, so you are able to have a single source of truth for productivity.

Why You Should Consider Using Supervise

With Supervise, the manual task of tracking and managing your team's productivity is now automated. This means that you don't have to spend hours manually checking up on what your team is doing on different apps and platforms.

Supervise automatically pulls data from the integrated apps and presents it in a unified dashboard that you can access from anywhere. This dashboard gives you real-time insights into what your team is working on, how much time they're spending on each task, and whether they're meeting their deadlines or not.

In addition, Supervise provides you with detailed performance reports that give you a deep understanding of your team's productivity. These reports show you how much time your team is spending on each task, how much time they're spending on non-productive activities, and how well they're meeting their goals and objectives.

By automating your team management with Supervise, you can save time and focus on what matters most – growing your business. You can easily identify areas where your team needs improvement and take action to address them. This way, you can boost your team's productivity, improve their performance, and achieve your business goals faster.

Get started with Supervise

Go from manual management to automated management.
Start measuring your team's productivity today.

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Remote work