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Remote Work

Quick overview of Supervise

Supervise is the ultimate productivity tracker for teams. It shows you the factual work done by all team members in any app your team uses for work. It shows you the work your team is doing across all integrated apps.

Christian Esmann
September 28, 2022
5 min read

Supervise is a productivity tracking app that enables you to track all the work your team does across all apps. It shows you the factual work done by all team members in any app your team uses for work. It's easy to install and use, and it integrates with Figma, GitHub, Zendesk, HubSpot, Google Docs, Google Sheets and many other popular apps. This way you can get an overview of what your team is working on and make sure everyone is focused on their main goals.

Supervise helps you to:

- Get an overview of what your team is working on.

- Track all work done on multiple platforms.

- Integrate the apps you use for work.

- Gain insights on team productivity.

- Keep track of your productivity in a timeline view, filterable by team member and app integration

Managing a remote team can be a complex endeavor, requiring effective communication, organization, and the right tools to keep everyone on track. Supervise is designed to simplify team management and provide you with an all-in-one solution for monitoring your team's work across multiple apps.

One of the key features of Supervise is its ability to give you an overview of what your team is working on without the hassle of manual check-ins and standup meetings. With Supervise, you can effortlessly track your team's productivity across all integrated apps, giving you a complete overview of their work activity. This eliminates the need for constant status updates and provides you with real-time insights into your team's progress.

By integrating your work apps with Supervise, you can receive real-time notifications whenever new updates are made. This ensures that you are always aware of the latest developments and can respond promptly if needed. Instead of wasting time switching between different tools and platforms, Supervise allows you to access all work activity in a single place, saving you valuable time and streamlining your workflow.

Supervise's simple dashboard enables you to effortlessly review work done by each team member. You can filter work activity based on team member, time, work app, and more, allowing you to gain valuable insights into each individual's productivity. This eliminates the need for manual time tracking and allows you to focus on tangible outcomes rather than micromanaging your team's time.

With Supervise, you can also monitor individual projects and tasks with ease. The platform provides you with valuable insights into the progress and completion of each task, empowering you to make informed decisions and take necessary actions. By having a clear overview of your team's work, you can identify bottlenecks, address challenges, and ensure that projects are moving forward smoothly.

In conclusion, Supervise offers a comprehensive solution for managing remote teams effectively. By providing an all-in-one platform to monitor your team's work across multiple apps, Supervise simplifies team management and enhances productivity. With features such as real-time notifications, simplified work activity review, and effortless project monitoring, Supervise empowers you to keep your remote team engaged, productive, and on track.

While there are many tools available for managing remote teams, Supervise stands out by offering an all-in-one productivity tracking platform, that integrates with all the apps you use everyday and thereby is able to offer factual insights into the work everyone on your team does.

In addition to our productivity tracking features, Supervise is also highly customizable. Managers can choose which apps to integrate with, set up custom alerts and notifications, and configure the platform to meet the specific needs of their team. Whether you're managing a small team or a large remote workforce, Supervise offers the flexibility and functionality you need to stay on top of your team's productivity and achieve your goals.

Overall, Supervise is a powerful tool for supervising a remote team. With its easy-to-use interface, comprehensive productivity tracking features, and customizable settings, it provides everything managers need to stay on top of their team's performance and drive success. If you're looking for a reliable and effective way to manage your remote team, then Supervise is definitely worth checking out.

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